The human digestive tract can be affected by a variety of diseases. Some are benign and some are serious. Crohn's disease is one of these diseases and it is included in the list of chronic diseases of the digestive tract. However, it is still unknown to many people. Thus, to better understand this disease, it is important to remember that it affects the human digestive tract, which includes the oesophagus and ends at the anus. Doctors sometimes trample on their medical conclusion regarding this disease.  Indeed, it is very difficult to identify it.

Crohn's disease itself

Crohn's disease is a disease that affects the digestive tract. It primarily attacks the colon and the intestine. This disease can affect part of the intestine or all of it. It has been described as chronic by the medical community because the person suffering from it suffers permanently, or at least for a fairly long period of time in his or her life. Although painful, this disease is not fatal. However, it is still incurable. They also try to reduce the gene they feel, especially during the relapse phase. Men as well as women and even children can be affected by this disease. It affects everyone regardless of gender or age. It is said to be one of the causes of many deaths in the world. It may be necessary for patients with this disease to be screened regularly for colorectal cancer because of the increased risk. Symptoms of Crohn's disease can be both digestive and extra digestive.

Digestive symptoms of crohn's disease

The symptoms of Crohn's disease are similar to those of appendicitis and bowel obstruction. Doctors can even misdiagnose Crohn's disease more than once. Indeed, they are misled by these warning signs, which are very similar to acute peritonitis. These signs come in the form of repetitive cramps in the abdomen followed by recurrent pain that worsens after meals. In addition to feeling nauseated, the patient may also experience bloating, flatulence with vomiting and severe diarrhoea that persists for weeks. Persistent fatigue with fever may also be experienced by the patient. The result is a remarkable weight loss due to lack of appetite. It should also be noted that the anal areas of the person suffering from crohn's disease may crack and sometimes bleed.

The extra-digestive symptoms of Crohn's disease

Other extra digestive precursor signs of crohn's disease may appear on the skin such as erythema and psoriasis. They can also appear in the mouth as mouth ulcers. In addition, mild or severe pain in the joints. Crohn's disease symptoms can arise as the disease progresses. The variation of crohn's disease, which alternates between phases of attack and remission, contributes greatly to the difficulty of identifying this disease. Since the patient may not show any warning signs of this disease, this is during the remission phase. In any case, medical tests and examinations are essential to be sure of the diagnosis. Colonoscopy is necessary (this is a medical examination of the digestive system). Gastroscopy may eventually be required.