There are various reasons for a mother to choose to give infant milk to her child. The most common cause is that there is insufficient capacity to produce breast milk. Others choose not to breastfeed at all, it is a choice like any other. When a mother chooses to give powdered milk to her baby, it is advisable to consult a paediatrician who will help to take into account the baby's nutritional needs because breast milk is still the ideal food for the infant. Finding a good quality product is not always easy.

What is infant formula?

At present, infant milks are more and more adapted to the needs of infants. Infant milk is also known as formula. This is due to the fact that its composition and the elements that are in it are really very close to breast milk. Indeed, it contains proteins from cow's milk that has been processed. It is low in protein because the baby does not digest well anything that has a high protein content. It also contains carbohydrates for sugars. Most of the time, they are mixed. This has the effect of providing the baby with as much carbohydrate as possible while controlling his intestinal transit. There are also lipids, which are almost identical to those contained in breast milk. Milk fats are replaced by vegetable fats.  And finally, there are also mineral salts, vitamins and trace elements. But does organic infant milk also contain the same elements as normal infant milk?

What you need to know about organic infant milk

Organic 1st age milk is as strict in its composition as conventional preparations but is made from cow's milk which meets the standards of organic farming (animals fed on grass, no GMO hormones, no pesticides on herbs etc.), which means that the quality of the milk is only better. However, only about 80% of the milk is cow's milk. The rest is made up of vegetable oils that are not necessarily from organic farming. It is therefore necessary to read the composition of the milk carefully. It should also be noted that the price of organic infant milks is higher than that of conventional infant milks.  It should also be noted that the organic criteria for infant milks is of lesser importance because even in the manufacture of "non-organic" milks, the control is already very meticulous and strict. Choosing an organic or non-organic milk for your baby remains subjective.

The different organic infant milks

Although all of these milks meet the standards of organic agriculture, there are various types of organic infant milks. Firstly, there is cow's milk, which is the most consumed milk in France. It is very rich in vitamin B2 and B12 which is perfect for baby's development and growth. The only problem is that some babies can be allergic to it. They must therefore be replaced by goat's or sheep's milk. This second category has a stronger and more pronounced taste than cow's milk. It has more vitamins A and D, more calcium and phosphorus, more fat than cow's milk. There is also gluten-free milk so as not to risk arousing allergies. And finally, there is milk without palm oil. The cultivation of palm oil promotes deforestation, which is why many manufacturers of organic infant milk prefer to avoid using it.